Lewis & Clark found Sasquatch Away to be a critical element in their successful trek across America
200% Guarantee
Our Guarantee: If a Sasquatch, Yeti, Abominable Snowman, Ohio Grassman, Yowie, Lake Worth Monster, Fouke Monster, Boggy Creek Monster, Swamp Stalker, Dogman, or Bigfoot bothers you or your belongings after properly applying Squatch Away!® we'll send you two cans of our latest formulation.
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We Care!
Squatch Away!® is
Specifically formulated to not disturb the
Pacific Northwest
Tree Octopus!

The best thing about Squatch Away!® is their awesome merchandise! I bought a hoodie early on, and it’s the best cold-blockin’, squatch-stoppin’ garment on the market.
Thank you Squatch Away!®, for putting my cryptozoological fears to rest.
W. Forsyth
Randolph, Ohio
We were thinking about why the creature had suddenly ran away, we realized that I had been wearing my Squatch Away!® hat. It had saved us all from a terrible fate and we have Squatch Away!® to thank!
B. Hoff
Charlotte, North Carolina
Squatch Away!® has changed my life! I haven’t seen him once since I started using this product. All it takes is one spray! It’s like magic!
T. Bush
Alliance, Ohio
"Since I started using Squatch Away!® Sasquatch Repellent, I have not seen a Bigfoot."
J. Shellhorn
Streetsboro, Ohio