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Human Bait Needed

Volunteer position for Bigfoot research project.

This Fall. In Texas.

Safety not guaranteed.

Must have strong work ethic and some camping skills.

Reward: Fame

Visit Human-Bait.com to apply

40 thoughts on “Human Bait Needed”

  1. I’ve been his bait before without trying. Want to see it agin. Have great skills for staying for days in the woods and have all my own things.

  2. I just want to go camping and if Bigfoot makes an appearance then so be it, if not then I’ll have had a fun time camping.

  3. I’ve seen him in Montana. Was on a 2 week trip in the yellow stone… I got pictures but never posted for government reasons. It’s worth a fortune and I don’t wanna die over it like people believing in space ships and aliens… Just not worth it to me

  4. I’m a long line wolf trapper and spend most of my time in remote areas. I have excellent survival skills and can survive anywhere.

  5. I love to join the team I’m part Indian and I love to camp and hunt and fish and have seen a bigfoot my self when I was younger. I use bow and arrows and I have a part wolf and German shepherd that camps with me

  6. LoL….. scroll down there is a picture of Ronald Reagan but it says the guys name is B Hoff from Charlotte North Carolina 😂😆😆😆

  7. I’m in if it’s not to late! Maybe my blonde hair will get Bigfoots attention…. Like King Kong! Just don’t let him carry me to far away!

  8. I am well trained and fitted to be bait. if the position is open I was wondering about the details. mostly about how the situation works. do I get to prance back and forth doing some kind of call. sounds like good times anyway. hit me back about pay scale and what not.

  9. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s 8/22/24 and with everything going on I was ready to apply and had some REALLY good talking points for my interview

  10. I have size 13 feet (uk) so I know it’s next move, can survive for months on nothing more than pot noodles, will I need a work visa if not a paid position ?


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