200% Guarantee*

Just because it’s Sasquatch Repellent,
doesn’t mean it has to smell bad™.

Squatch Away!® It's better to be safe than squatched!™

For the person who has everything, including Bipedal Hominoids that cause intimidation and chaos under the cover of darkness, we've got the solution:
Squatch Away!®'s Sasquatch Repellent of the Month Club

To celebrate our 400th year, Use the code BFCM2021 to receive a 400 cent ($4) discount
on all of our aerosol repellents, with the purchase of 2 or more cans.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale

Heeeee’s Back!

Wow. What are the chances? Shauna Bailey has ANOTHER listing and Sasquatch has been spotted there, too. https://www.century21.com/property/10655-Holcomb-Rd-Newton-Falls-OH-44444/98416889/detail?src=list

Shauna Bailey needs Squatch Away!

It looks like there’s a serious Sasquatch invasion at Shauna’s listing in Ravenna. Update: In spite of the unwanted guests, it looks like the home has sold. Just to make sure that the new owners don’t have a Bigfoot problem, we’ve sent Shauna two cans of Squatch Away!™ Sasquatch Repellent to give to the new … Read more

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