Hunters In Michigan Claim To Have Seen Two Bigfoot Creatures Fighting In The Woods
A couple of bow hunters claim to have encountered not one Bigfoot, but two, who they say were engaged in some kind of fight. More info here.
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A couple of bow hunters claim to have encountered not one Bigfoot, but two, who they say were engaged in some kind of fight. More info here.
The WNC Bigfoot Festival, initially set to take place in downtown Marion in mid-September 2021, was postponed until 2022 due to rising COVID-19 cases across the region. Now, organizers have once again changed the dates for the 2022 festival due to a conflict with Memorial Day. The festival is now scheduled to take place Friday, … Read more
We’ve warned people time and time again. Never leave home without Squatch Away!® Sasquatch Repellent. You never know when it may come in handy. I’ll bet the parents of these party guests never imagined how important it is to carry Bigfoot repellent. Had Squatch Away!® Sasquatch Repellent been properly applied, these poor children would not … Read more
If you find yourself kayaking on the Cass River in Michigan, make sure to bring plenty of Squatch Away!® Sasquatch Repellent. If you know any supply stores near Flint, Michigan, tell ’em they need to carry Squatch Away!® Sasquatch Repellent.
Formulating the very best sasquatch repellent can be time consuming work. At the end of those long days, we’re looking for a bigfoot sized meal to satisfy our hunger. We’ve finally found a meal that’s up to the task: Introducing the Sasquatch Burger at Fizzlestix Kitchen + Bar in Massillon, Ohio. Forget about ordinary hamburger buns, … Read more
We found this interesting piece of Sasquatch repelling history in our archives. It appears to be from the early 1940’s, but the paper was so faded, it’s hard to make out some of the details. Once upon a time, there was a town called Boonieville. The town was peaceful and located in the middle of a forest … Read more
A recent video shared to YouTube is slowly gaining viewership momentum, and appears to show a pair of Idaho hunters being stared down by what resembles a large, bipedal ape. Whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, hundreds of videos get shared every year from people across the United States claiming to have had a … Read more
In Bigfoot news, Oregonian Mike Bodewitz, of Springfield, has published four short videos on TikTok of the critters, who are quietly watching him through the bushes out in the woods ( He doesn’t say exactly where the videos of these two separate April encounters happened, but they are all accompanied by the hashtag #OregonSasquatch. His … Read more
North Carolina author Donna Campbell Smith’s new novel, My Neighbors from the Woods, is a departure from all of her previous books. Some folks might say it’s a fantasy or paranormal story. That’s because they don’t believe. The story is about a woman the writer calls Maggie. Maggie lives alone in a small house in … Read more
The search for Bigfoot, the large hairy animal, that has evaded capture for decades, will be the focus of a new festival June 11-13 in Marienville that borders the massive Allegheny National Forest in northwestern Pennsylvania. Dave Yeany, one of the organizers of the Forest County Bigfoot Festival, said he and his wife, Zenobia, were sitting … Read more